Practitioner Seminar: Nolwazi Hlophe - Senior FinTech Specialist


Join us as Nolwazi, Senior FinTech Specialist at FSCA, shares insights on FSCA's recent market study on DeFi in South Africa. With over a decade of experience in financial regulation and supervision, she excels in monitoring and analysing emerging financial technologies, business models, and products. Nolwazi leads research on artificial intelligence, open finance, and decentralized finance, contributing significantly to the advancement of financial inclusion, innovation, and stability in the region.
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Mar 13, 2025 13:00
Seminar Room, 4th Floor, School of Economics, Middle Campus
Streaming available
Nolwazi Hlophe
Senior FinTech Specialist at FSCA - Financial Sector Conduct Authority
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If you have any queries regarding this event, please email or Lindiwe Kers at directly.
Event Location
Seminar Room, 4th Floor, School of Economics, Middle Campus
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